LightWave Plug-in: Load From Scene More Plug-ins * NEW * Version 1.6 Fixed a bug which caused a "Repeat" or "Reset" End Behavior to be calculated incorrectly. Added the Return to Load From Scene after these Objects are Loaded option. Overview Load From Scene is a Modeler plug-in which allows you to load in Objects from a LightWave Scene file, maintaining the position, rotation and scale for all Objects. In essence, it provides a "snapshot" of all of the Objects in the Scene at any Frame. Note: Load From Scene cannot calculate the effect of Bones, Displacement Maps or Morph Targets when importing Objects from Scenes. This functionality is beyond the scope of this plug-in. When the Scene is loaded, a list of the Objects present in the Scene is presented. You may select individual Objects for loading. Able to load in the Objects from any frame within the Scene. Move the slider, or type in any Frame number. Only Frames that are saved in the Scene are valid (ie. cannot be greater than the Scene's Last Frame) As an added bonus for the feature above, the "Snapshots" from different Frames for the same Scene are morphable -- provided the same Objects are selected for the Load. Includes an "Abort" function -- hold CTRL and SHIFT to abort the load procedure.